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Biza Barzo • بیزا به‌رزۆ

Biza has been Director of the Erbil Shapers, a youth hub linked to a global network of young volunteers and the World Economic Forum in Davos. While trying to empower local youth, she plays a special role in mobilizing resources to help the poor and vulnerable within her community. She has a professional and academic background in international studies and diplomacy.

ڕاوێژکاری سیاسییه‌ له‌ حکومه‌تی هه‌رێمی کوردستان ، وه‌ یه‌کێکه‌ له‌ به‌ڕێوه‌به‌ره‌ پێشووه‌کانی کۆمه‌ڵه‌ی بیناکارانی جیهان سه‌ر به‌ کۆربه‌ندی ئابوری جیهان - هۆبه‌ هه‌ولێر